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Becoming a Future Ready Leader™ 

A Leadership Course to build Critical Competencies for Future Leaders

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The Future has arrived. That the world is a volatile and uncertain place is nothing new – it has always been so. However, in this new business environment, change happens literally in the blink of an eye.  Whole new industries have arisen to disrupt the economy. In the next ten years, half of the companies in the S&P500 will be replaced by new upstarts. Indeed, lightning speed change brings about many opportunities – but only for those who are equipped to capitalize on it. Leaders of the future will need a set of new competencies to thrive in the brave new world. 


Our Becoming a Future-Ready Leader™ program is not a traditional leadership course. The focus of this program is on four areas that enable leaders to become Future-Ready.

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Information-Driven – in the Age of Misinformation
Be it crafting strategy or driving operational excellence, Future-Ready Leaders rely on information to gain competitive advantage. Unfortunately, we have also transited from the Information Age into the Misinformation Age. “Fake News” has become a weapon not just in the political arena, but in the world of business as well. Being able to differentiate between facts, opinions and outright lies will be crucial to the success of leaders in the future.


Delivers Simplicity – in the Midst of Complexity
VUCA (i.e. Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous) is a term used to characterize the new business environment.  Future-Ready Leaders must be able to cut through complex and sometimes vague issues to deliver elegant, yet simple solutions. They understand the need to exercise critical thinking and take a big picture perspective in addressing “Wicked Problems”.


Seeks Collaboration – even with Competitors 
In today's new world, it takes much more resources to develop new products and services for new markets. Few companies have the ability to "go it alone". Future-Ready Leaders understand the wisdom of turning competitors into potential collaborators. They seek out opportunities to work with organizations that have complimentary strengths for the mutual benefit of all.


Embraces Diversity – to build Unique Identity
Future-Ready Leaders understand the wisdom of tapping on the collective wisdom of all their people – not just some of their people. Tapping on those with diverse talents, experiences and backgrounds enables the organization to view issues and gain multiple insights. This serves to bring about innovation. At the same time, leaders must be able to mold a diverse group of individuals into a high performing team – one with a sense of common vision and destiny.


The Heart, Head and Hands of a Future-Ready Leader
This leadership course covers the Heart (Emotional Intelligence), Head (Thinking Skills) and Hands (Interpersonal Relationships) of a Leader. Built on content from the John Maxwell Team as well as InnoGreat's In-and-Out of the Box, we will discuss the following topics to empower participants to drive change:


  • Overcoming Unconscious Bias as a Leader

  • Embracing Diversity

  • Becoming a more Inclusive Leader

  • Building Trust & Collaboration

  • Persuasion & Influence

  • Critical Thinking Skills

  • Taming Wicked Problems in the Organization


Learning Methodology

We believe that serious learning can only happen when we are receptive to it. Bored participants are not receptive to learning. As such, lectures will be kept to a minimum. Much of the learning will be delivered through interactive activities, including business games and simulations. Through these fun activities, participants will be asked to reflect on their own leadership practices and how Future-Ready they are.  


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